IEEE 400.1-2007 额定电压5kV及以上高直流电压的层压电介质铠装电力电缆系统的现场测试用指南

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Product Code:SAE AIR1169
Title:Bibliography of References Pertaining to the Effects of Oxygen on Ignition and Combustion of Materials
Issuing Committee:A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
Scope:The scope of this document is to provide a list of documents of types pertaining to the effects of oxygen on ignition and combustion of materials. Consolidating these references in one place makes it easier to find documents of this type as these references are difficult to locate.【英文标准名称】:Castironpipesandspecialcastingsforpressuremainlines;screwed-glandjoint;assembly,sockets,screm-rings